Yes people..2months of exam
since the middle of september until middle of november..
I had my trials in September
then my AS-level exam From October to November..
And today is an-official outing with my friends..
we went Karaoke at was fun =]
before that,i bought my boyfriend lunch since his working at karamunsing
and treat him for coffee bean..
then we had two hours of singing..
it was super uber fun singing with your buddies..
as we were realising our stress..hahahaha
most of the songs i sang was rock songs hahaha..
then after that I went to 1borneo with both the Natasha's..
we went to Padini first to shop..
since is members discount for the whole store..weee
and Beatiful white t-shirt caught my attention..
its streachable..and its has such great wordings on the shirt saying
"tell me what you want,really really want"
the price was RM75.90...
by my luck as a member i got it for half price..
and yes i bought..natsaha ho bought to..
we just instantly fell in love with it..
being in such a good mood today..
i bought my boyfriend two t-shirt..i hope he likes it..
than i had high-tea at secret recipe..
today was fun going out with my buddies =]
needed that so much...

the cute white shirt i bought..=]