I'm finally done with my A-levels =D
yes i'm done
i'm done
i'm done with 5 months of super study mode
i'm done with 3 months of exam
why i'm so excited..welll DUHHHHH
3 months of exam is crazy...plus REALLY HIGH STRESS LEVEL
and i was on a nerd-mode
whats the result of 5 months of studying?
1) i lost 6kg (since jan)..i'm now 48kg
2) i actually did better in my exams
3) i go accepted into Help Universtiy College(sep-intake)
4) i'm getting my very own laptop without asking =D
5) new set of clothes..since my old clothes dont fit me anymote
6)i'm doing well with my boyfriend =D
7) lots more just too much to list out
this Saturday is my graduation ceremony
and Sunday is prom night..i rented a gown this year
since i didnt have time to go buy a dress
and next week i'm off to kl to look for a new apartment with my new buddies
I know busy..but i'm stress free now =D
will update more often from now on
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
when is the limit?
A-levels exam is stressing me a lot....
its draining much of my energy
i haven't been getting enough sleep lately..and i'm so sleepy
even trying to sleep early..but its hard for me to fall a sleep..zzzz
the stress is arsboring most of my energy
and i've been losing a lot of weight..
in early april i was 53kg..now i'm a whopping 48kg..
i roughly lost 5kg..i know its great to lose weight..
but not when your stress..btw i do eat normal
i'm even getting panda eyes now..gosh..
well..its back to studying until my exam ends
its draining much of my energy
i haven't been getting enough sleep lately..and i'm so sleepy
even trying to sleep early..but its hard for me to fall a sleep..zzzz
the stress is arsboring most of my energy
and i've been losing a lot of weight..
in early april i was 53kg..now i'm a whopping 48kg..
i roughly lost 5kg..i know its great to lose weight..
but not when your stress..btw i do eat normal
i'm even getting panda eyes now..gosh..
well..its back to studying until my exam ends
Sunday, April 26, 2009
empty,boring and dusty
Yeah i know
its kinder quite lately in my blog
like i said in my last post..i've been busy with my studies lately
which is true.. and the studying did pay off
based on my trial exams i IMPROVE A LOT IN my law..
this is the first time i got 60 % for my law (combination for paper 3 law and paper4 law)
happy about it..studied hard for it
and i did improve in my business too..not much..still improve
however i'm still really weak with my economics..
so i freaking need to work hard in my economics
well this is the final stop for my a-levels
real a-levels exams is starting in mid may till mid june
so i'm putting on a late nighter for the next two months
wont be blogging much til june..
Junes is my graduation..and I.S Night is the next day..
i pick up my dress a month ago already..
i prepared early cause i dont have the time to go for shopping during my exams period..
so whats next for me
Well i'm goner do my UK transfer programme For Law
Goner study law at Help Universtity College..planning to start at September
so yeah ..thats it for now..until june =]
its kinder quite lately in my blog
like i said in my last post..i've been busy with my studies lately
which is true.. and the studying did pay off
based on my trial exams i IMPROVE A LOT IN my law..
this is the first time i got 60 % for my law (combination for paper 3 law and paper4 law)
happy about it..studied hard for it
and i did improve in my business too..not much..still improve
however i'm still really weak with my economics..
so i freaking need to work hard in my economics
well this is the final stop for my a-levels
real a-levels exams is starting in mid may till mid june
so i'm putting on a late nighter for the next two months
wont be blogging much til june..
Junes is my graduation..and I.S Night is the next day..
i pick up my dress a month ago already..
i prepared early cause i dont have the time to go for shopping during my exams period..
so whats next for me
Well i'm goner do my UK transfer programme For Law
Goner study law at Help Universtity College..planning to start at September
so yeah ..thats it for now..until june =]
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Gone to Long?
yes i've been missing for a long time
cause i've been really busy with my studies..
so wont be blog a lot until around june
cause my trials are coming soon so is my a-levels exam..
so yeah
cause i've been really busy with my studies..
so wont be blog a lot until around june
cause my trials are coming soon so is my a-levels exam..
so yeah
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Head Explosion
My head is goner explode from all this studying..
to much studying over stuff into brain..
been studying a lot until really late
cause a lot of test and exams..
continous study..and no time to be lazy
cause i'm repeating 2 subjects for a-levels =[
currently sutdying tort law and eccons
havent started on business yet..owh NOOOOOOOO!!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
When turns the other way
well now i'm at my schools IT Center, i'm having my freeperiod now.suppose to be studying but i really dont have the mood to study..due to my result and its also because i only have 20 mins left before law class begins....dont worry i'll study at my 2nd free period..
well since when things couldnt get worst...yes sports day. Mye vents for sports day all clash..cause my events are continuesly..is damn tiring with just a short amount of time for break..here is the time table for my events
1. 400m (semi-finals) time8.30am
2. 200m (semi-fianals) time 9.00am
3. 400m (finals) time 9.30am
damn tiring you might say half and our break is more then enough..wrong, you need at least one and a half hour of break to regain your energy back..so the breaks would be less then 30 mins..hmmm, i serious how things will turn out great later =[.
well since when things couldnt get worst...yes sports day. Mye vents for sports day all clash..cause my events are continuesly..is damn tiring with just a short amount of time for break..here is the time table for my events
1. 400m (semi-finals) time8.30am
2. 200m (semi-fianals) time 9.00am
3. 400m (finals) time 9.30am
damn tiring you might say half and our break is more then enough..wrong, you need at least one and a half hour of break to regain your energy back..so the breaks would be less then 30 mins..hmmm, i serious how things will turn out great later =[.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What's New or Maybe slighty outdated
Hello everyone..
yeah my blog has been kinder sunyi lately..
no new pictures..
well havent done anything new lately
just sports day next week..
will definatly upload those pictures next week
as usual Chinese New Year is really darn boring this year
yes..i'm kinder lazy to collect angpow this year
cause all you get is RM2 in those red packets..and you waste half your day just for RM2
i know its money..but i'm not that desperate to collect money
anyways.. my Grandma(mom side) has gotten really sick
she has half stoke..which means only her left side of the body is a bit parlysis
feel really bad for her..cause she is old and she is already suffering this much...=[
anyhows..i moved to Facebook..wow thats like not a big deal right
i know...so lame
yeah i find friendster not as intresting as before..
still login but nothing much is left here
So yeah Facebook..
owh i just started playing Vampire Wars and Fashion War
i know double lame...when everyone gets tired of playing that
and i just started playing hahahhaa..
that was because i was not that active in Facebook before
but now i am hehehe =]
well its still new to me but it might be slighty outdated for most of you hehe =]
do you guys have any suggestion for Valentine's Day
i want to surpirse him =]
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
the year before
I took this froem Rowena's Blog =]
SURVEY 2008!
Lost a friend? Yeah
Stayed single the whole year? not really just for 8 months
Had your heart broken? Yes =[
Had a stalker? nopr
Done something you’ve regretted? yeah..but its a lesson to be learned
Lost someone? Yes
Cut class? Yeah
Were involved in something you’ll never forget? not really sure about that
Visited a different country? not yet
Cooked a gross meal? Definitely not.
Lost something important to you? yeah
Got a gift you adore? none
Tripped over a coffee table? Nope
Dyed your hair? Twice middle and end of the year
Came close to losing your life? Nope
Went to a party? YEAH
Read a great book? bot much
Saw one of your favourite bands/artists live? Nope
Saw someone famous in person? Nope
2008: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? yeah..but we got back together again
Who were you broken up with? the same guy i have been with..but were together again =]
Did you get anything for Valentine’s Day? didnt get anything for valentines
Did you meet anyone special? nope
Did you fall in love? nah
2008: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? Of course!
Did you dislike anyone? some
Did you make any new enemies? no enemies
Did you resolve any fights? some
Who are your closest friends? atm..christine,natasha ho and chin, chelsea,mitchell
Did you grow apart from anyone? yeah
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? No regrets.
2008: Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have a cake? yes..my brother bought me Secret recipe chocolate moist cake for my birthday =]
Did you have a party? no party. Family and friends dinner.
Did you get any presents? Yeah
If so what was the best thing you got? nah..cause its nothing big
2008: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? Yes. time to grow up and leave the pass
Did you get your hair cut? Yes..i lost count on how mant times i cut
Did you change your style? yes..i change my hair several times last year
Were you in school? Yes
Did you get good grades? not really...alevels is darn hard.
Did you have a job? bope
Did you drive? yes
Did you own a car? Nope.
Did anyone close to you give birth? yes
Did you move at all? nope.
Did you go on any vacations? not really
Would you change anything about yourself now? yeah there is a lot of things i would like to change about myself..but i'm happy with the way i am.
Was 2008 a good year? its not my fav year
Do you think 2009 will top 2008? i hope so
I confess that in 2008 I…
( ) stayed single for the whole year
( ) made out in/on a car
( ) kissed in the snow
( ) celebrated Halloween
(x ) kissed in the rain
(x) had your heart broken
(x) broke someone else’s heart
( ) had a stalker
( ) mooned someone
( ) went over the minutes on your cell phone
(x) had a good relationship with someone
SURVEY 2008!
Lost a friend? Yeah
Stayed single the whole year? not really just for 8 months
Had your heart broken? Yes =[
Had a stalker? nopr
Done something you’ve regretted? yeah..but its a lesson to be learned
Lost someone? Yes
Cut class? Yeah
Were involved in something you’ll never forget? not really sure about that
Visited a different country? not yet
Cooked a gross meal? Definitely not.
Lost something important to you? yeah
Got a gift you adore? none
Tripped over a coffee table? Nope
Dyed your hair? Twice middle and end of the year
Came close to losing your life? Nope
Went to a party? YEAH
Read a great book? bot much
Saw one of your favourite bands/artists live? Nope
Saw someone famous in person? Nope
2008: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? yeah..but we got back together again
Who were you broken up with? the same guy i have been with..but were together again =]
Did you get anything for Valentine’s Day? didnt get anything for valentines
Did you meet anyone special? nope
Did you fall in love? nah
2008: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? Of course!
Did you dislike anyone? some
Did you make any new enemies? no enemies
Did you resolve any fights? some
Who are your closest friends? atm..christine,natasha ho and chin, chelsea,mitchell
Did you grow apart from anyone? yeah
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? No regrets.
2008: Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have a cake? yes..my brother bought me Secret recipe chocolate moist cake for my birthday =]
Did you have a party? no party. Family and friends dinner.
Did you get any presents? Yeah
If so what was the best thing you got? nah..cause its nothing big
2008: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? Yes. time to grow up and leave the pass
Did you get your hair cut? Yes..i lost count on how mant times i cut
Did you change your style? yes..i change my hair several times last year
Were you in school? Yes
Did you get good grades? not really...alevels is darn hard.
Did you have a job? bope
Did you drive? yes
Did you own a car? Nope.
Did anyone close to you give birth? yes
Did you move at all? nope.
Did you go on any vacations? not really
Would you change anything about yourself now? yeah there is a lot of things i would like to change about myself..but i'm happy with the way i am.
Was 2008 a good year? its not my fav year
Do you think 2009 will top 2008? i hope so
I confess that in 2008 I…
( ) stayed single for the whole year
( ) made out in/on a car
( ) kissed in the snow
( ) celebrated Halloween
(x ) kissed in the rain
(x) had your heart broken
(x) broke someone else’s heart
( ) had a stalker
( ) mooned someone
( ) went over the minutes on your cell phone
(x) had a good relationship with someone
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My deepest condelence to the late
Uncle Steve Lim..
who sadly past away today at kl from a heart attack
was shocked and sad at the same time
i'm goner miss him a lot
his great man with a big and kind heart
to dearest debra lim and daryl
i'm really sorry to hear about your dad
now is my turn to be there for you..
its the worst feeling ever
and the most painful too..
so My prayers go too you..
Monday, January 12, 2009
so sorry for the extreme delay..
was so busy with school
the holidays
and less time with internet..
well i'm goner turn 19th this coming Saturday
yes on the 17th Jan..
its my final year as a teen
and by next year i'll be welcoming the "two" in my life
am i'm having a birthday BASH?
hell yeah i am.....!!!!
how often do you get a saturday to celebrate your birthday..
well goner have it home
goner have a lot of liquor stack up =]
and gambling too =]
so sorry for the extreme delay..
was so busy with school
the holidays
and less time with internet..
well i'm goner turn 19th this coming Saturday
yes on the 17th Jan..
its my final year as a teen
and by next year i'll be welcoming the "two" in my life
am i'm having a birthday BASH?
hell yeah i am.....!!!!
how often do you get a saturday to celebrate your birthday..
well goner have it home
goner have a lot of liquor stack up =]
and gambling too =]
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